PPG Defibrillator List

About Defibrillators

Defibrillators are medical devices that help and support a rescue for a patient in Cardiac Arrest.  You might also hear a defibrillator be called a defib, an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) or a PAD (Public Access Defibrillator). 

Our Patient Participation Group members have collated a list of local defibrillators for the benefit of the local community.  As well as the interactive map below, the PPG have created the list as a PDF (last updated June 2024).  Follow this link to download a copy:>>

The British Heart Foundation have developed a video for people to see how to use the equipment. 

More information about defibrillation for members of the public can be found by

visiting the Resuscitation Council UK website:>>

Or the British Heart Foundation website:>>

PPG Defibrillator Listing

Members of our Patient Participation Group have developed a list and map of the locations of Community based defibrillators. 

These are listed with a postal address, accessibility arrangements and the site of the defibrillator using what3words. The creators of what3words have divided the world into 3m squares and given each square a unique combination of three words.  The what3words app uses a unique combination of words that can be used to find and share exact locations.  The what3words locators are easy to say and share and as accurate as GPS coordinates.  Over the past few years, local Emergency Services have adopted the use of these locations in the control room so that they can locate 999 callers more quickly and easily. 


More information on the what3words app can be found here:>>

PPG members have also created list and map of Defibrillators in the local area as of February 2025

These locations were identified by a member of The Cranborne Practice Patient Participation Group.  Neither the Practice nor the PPG  can vouch for registration or up to date maintenance of the equipment.

View the interactive Google map below, or download and view a PDF copy of the Defibrillator listing here>>

Would you know what to do if somebody’s heart stopped?

The British Heart Foundation offer free online CPR training. Find out more in this video created by our Patient Participation Group (PPG) members.

You can also visit the BHF website here>>

The Circuit - the National Defibrillator Network

PPG members have also come across the National Defibrillator network website, www.thecircuit.uk, which is being developed in a partnership between Ambulance Chief Executives, the Resuscitation Council UK, and St John Ambulance. The Circuit will act as a national database with the network giving access to all 14 ambulance services in the UK. Watch this video from the British Heart Foundation to see how knowing the location of your nearest defibrillator can make the difference in saving lives.