Data Choices
Online access to GP Health Records
From November 2023 all patients in our network who are over 16 will be able to view notes and health records. This includes notes from GP surgery appointments, test results, medications, and letters we receive from hospitals. These can be viewed online via the NHS App, NHS website, SystmOnline or the Airmid app. If you do not want your record to be available online, please speak with the Reception or Patient Services team at your surgery. For more, please visit the Crane Valley PCN information web page here>>

Your Data Matters to the NHS
We are providing data to NHS Digital as part of the General Practice Data for Planning and Research data collection, so that patient data can be used to help improve everyone's health and care.
General Practice Data for Planning and Research
NHS Digital announced changes to the data extraction from GP systems across England referred to as General Practice Data for Planning and Research Data Collection (GPDfPR). The practice has been legally required by the Secretary of State to allow the extraction by NHS Digital and the data is extracted centrally by NHS Digital. As well as using your information to support the delivery of care to you, your data may be used by NHS Digital to help improve the way health and social care is delivered to patients and service users throughout England. From the 1st September 2021, NHS Digital will securely extract your information to provide access to patient data to the NHS and other organisations who need to use it, to improve health and social care for everyone. For more information on this and how you can opt out of sharing your data, please follow this link to the NHS Digital website:>>
Please follow this link to for a notice on how and why general practice shares your data with NHS Digital for planning and research.
If after considering this information you do not want your identifiable patient data to be shared outside of your GP practice for purposes except for your own care, you can register an opt-out with us by filling in and providing the Practice with a "Type 1" Opt Out form:>>.
If you don’t have access to a working printer, you can ask the NHS Digital Contact Centre to post you the forms you need. Their phone number is 0300 303 5678 and they are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays), or you can e-mail any time.
To find out more about how the Practice processes patient data and information, how it is shared and how data is protected, please follow this link to our General Data Protection (GDPR) page:>>