Bereavement Support

We are here to help our patients living with bereavement or struggling to move forwards due to a loss

The death of someone close to you can be emotionally devastating. You’ll need space to grieve and come to terms with their death. You might find you experience a range of physical and emotional symptoms.  As well as contacting us as your GP, there is a wealth of support available, and we have put together this web page which details of the support which is available to you.

If you know someone who needs bereavement support but does not have access to a computer, please ask them to contact their GP for a referral for appropriate support.  

Bereavement Support Information

Crane Valley Bereavement Group

You don't have to navigate bereavement alone

For people living with grief or struggling to move forwards due to a loss, it’s crucial to seek support and look after themselves during this challenging time to mitigate the negative health consequences of bereavement.
Your local surgery's Social Prescribers’ Health & Wellbeing Team has established a Bereavement Group to bring together people who have experienced loss and grief.
Informal meetings of the local Bereavement Group are held between 2 and 3.30pm on the 2nd Monday of each month at the Crane Valley Primary Care Network Bungalow at 131 Newtown Road, Verwood BH31 6EH.  Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided. 
Come along for an informal chat with others going through this challenging time.
Download and view our leaflet here>> or, for more information call the Social Prescribing team on 07462 0506168 or 07462 521670.  Alternatively, email

Bereavement Support for adults, young people and families

Cruse UK

For more than 60 years, Cruse Bereavement Support has been helping people who are struggling with grief and bereavement. 

Telephone 0808 808 1677



Scotty’s Little Soldiers

Scotty’s Little Soldiers is a charity dedicated to supporting children and young people who have lost a parent serving in the British Armed Forces.
Telephone 0800 092 8571



Winston's Wish

The charity supports grieving children and young people after the death of someone important and also provide childhood bereavement advice to parents and carers.

Telephone 0808 802 0021


A burning candle

Dorset Open Door

Dorset Open Door supports people who have been bereaved or affected by a death where the cause may be suicide or be particularly traumatic or sudden. 

Telephone 01305 361361

Website Dorset HealthCare : Dorset Open Door




Mosaic support children and young people who have been bereaved of someone special, such as a parent, sibling, friend or a member of their extended family. 

Telephone  01258 837071


For those who have experienced miscarriages or loss of a child

Child Bereavement UK

Child Bereavement UK help children and young people (up to age 25), parents, and families, to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. They also provide training to professionals, equipping them to provide the best possible care to bereaved families.
Telephone  0800 028 8840